Wednesday, 31 July 2013

How to check if Google Analytics Event tracking is working

Imagine you have a button on your website and you want to know how many people click on this button. It may be an important conversion button. You may want to track it so you can see which of your marketing campaigns are more successful. For PPC Campaigns you want to see which keywords are driving more conversions.
So you set up Event tracking in Google Analytics, change the website code and now you want to test if everything works smoothly.
There is different ways to check if Google Event tracking works, the below is my favourite; quick and easy and reliable. There is no need to wait if you can see Event Tracking data in Analytics by the way, you can test it rightaway.

1. First download and install Firebug:

2. Open the page you want to test, then open Firebug. You should select the ''Net'' tab and ''All'' tab.

3. On your website, click the button you want to test.
You will see a ''GET__utm.gif"" appearing with the Google Analytics domain (see picture).

4. Click the +sign to expand this.
5. Click Params.
6. Now find "utme" where you will see the category, action and label you specified. Check if they are correct. I would recommend to have a spreadsheet where you keep track of all your event tracking codes.

After 24 hours you might see the first data appearing in Google Analytics. In the Analytics menu, go to "Content" and click "Events". You will see the event data with the category, action and label information. Don't forget to use a good naming convention.

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